Our last blog (Social justice or Social experiment) we focused on the deep canvassing work that VFM, CCU, PAU and all the other groups they've got going on. We want to look now at the "People's Action".
What is this platform all about?
We are going to focus on one of the key points that the VFM campaign focusses on. Some of these ideas and concepts have been tossed around and talked about, but never any direct insight. This is right from the People's Action website. We got here, because of the connection through the Deep Canvassing initiative.
"Safe and healthy housing". That sounds familiar. What do they suggest?
Hey, shared equity housing... that sounds like Common Roots, which has a lot of the same people running the show over there as the VFM crew. We absolutely agree, tenants should know their rights. What they also should know, is that the universal rent control actually could hurt families, more than help. Why? Let's say they control rents, they can't go up. What happens when a property doesn't pass their rental inspection because there wasn't enough gains to reinvest in the property because the rent was controlled? So now, the license is pulled and nobody can reside there. Now those families are out of a home. How does that help us?
The next thing we want to look at is the People's Action pledge..
And then, the PA United Candidate Pledge...
So, corporate PACs are a no, but remember there was this one?
Well, that's a bit awkward. We do want to revisit the Movement Voter project, but for now our focus remains on the People's Action.
Now, a sample script from the People's Action
This isn't seemingly that bad, but when you pair this general idea script, with that of the deep canvassing persuasion techniques. Well, you end up with manipulated voters.
"It is difficult for people to admit that they have held views that were in error"? What? In error to whom? "More engaging than facts"? Facts don't matter? Are they making up stories to empathize with voters?
If you're now thinking you're being duped by a group of folks showing up to your door promising all of these changes, and empathizing with you, you're starting to feel like others are. We can't allow these groups to persuade and manipulate our local governments, because if they win there, you've hit the iceberg.
They're starting their war in the battleground states, states that have typically been Republican won states in Presidential elections. They begin with Councils, township supervisors, school boards... then onto senate and beyond. What is the end game? Is it Democratic Socialism?
This doesn't end at our election on Nov. 2nd, this is a movement. Good or bad, you must decide. All we can do is point you in the direction of the information to see for yourself who or what you're voting for.