It's been stated time and time again that the VFM crew what to pass a rental inspection program (now they're calling it rental licensing, but it's it's same thing). They want "safe housing for all", but yet, there was already talks of the selective exclusions that would apply. Specifically, it would exclude rental units where the owner also resides in the same building. Interestingly, Joe Tompkins and Jaime Kinder both have properties (in Jaime's case, she will have because she's set to purchase the property she's in) that would be exempt under this type of program.
If they're really concerned with safety, why would they include these types of units? They are still considered rental units, they rent them for profit, but wouldn't be subject to the same program? Why are they focussed on "larger" landlords? Why do they assume larger landlords are "irresponsible"?
"My point is that we can write our own ordinance that would include exemptions".
Last we checked, Joe Tompkins wasn't running for Mayor or council. The question is, why is he talking about writing ordinances?
If you're thinking it's because he's part of the whole group (VFM, CCU, PAU, etc), and this is part of their whole plot, you're right. It didn't matter who they picked, so long as they would continue to push their narrative and get them "majority vote".