Remember the Larry & Autumn campaign platform? Did you get deja vu reading Jaime, Gretchen & Jack's platform? If so, you're not alone! It's almost word for word the same. Don't just take our word for it, look for yourself. Yeah, they changed some numbers, changed the order of things and maybe a few words, removed some pictures and such but... the fact remains its almost exactly the same.
Do we really want candidates who can't even come up with their own campaign platform?! Can they even think for themselves or are they just puppets?
Let's also get into the fact that this means that Larry & Autumn have not delivered on the promises in their campaign. So, why would we vote for the same crap on a different day? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result.
If we want a different result, we need to vote for someone who can come up with their own platform, their own ideas and deliver on them.